The last time I was talking about my favorite music band, well, in this time I will tell more about my university career and I will select one important character to my university discipline, Administraciòn Pùblica.
First I have to tell about the reason that I choose him, I choose Federico Guillermo I de Hohenzollern, just because he is an important person to the Administraciòn Pùblica.
Long time ago, so much around century XVII - XVIII, on Deutschland, was a new idea for the administration of the state, this idea calls "Cameralismo", and that consist about the government will have a lots of expert people in specific areas, this specific areas will call "Chambers", that will help to take some decision for the monarch, and this way the monarch will choose the best decision, just because the people that are part of the "Chambers" only study important themes that the government will make some decision, and this decision affect to the society, and a government who makes a bad work taking decision, don't live too much time, because the people start to be disagree with the ideas, decision, and they will make some protest and maybe the monarch will lose this discussion with the society.
Well, before the exist of "Cameralismo", the monarch takes a lot of decision without a relative study of the area, and the consequences were so bad because, he don`t know the risk, and maybe the monarch has not another way to choose, and sometimes this situation happens when the monarch have a lots of particular interesting in a public The "Cameralismo" will fix this problem, since the moment that this new institution exist.
This idea of "Cameralismo", not only has to be a natural study of specific government themes, so it`s important make the "Cameralismo" more formal, choose a methodology way to work, and the way to find this methodology it`s inserting the "Cameralismo" in some universities, where all the people can study different specific areas of the government, obviously not all the people has this intention, and not all the people that studies finish this career.So Federico Guillermo I de Hohenzollern, was the first monarch that makes the "Cameralismo" and a university career on 1721, at two university Halle (Sajonia-Anhalt) y Fráncfort del Óder. The idea of makes a study of "Cameralismo", it`s have some person that learn and study what the government do, how do this, and why.
The "cameralismo", was the first idea of "Administraciòn pùblica", because after that the management of the government start to be a science, with a lots of method, all designed to make a good work of the government, taking decision more intelligent, knowing the consequences and the advantage.If Federico Guillermo I de Hohenzollern don`t makes this important act, maybe the "Administraciòn Pùblica", will appear in other time or maybe will appear.
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